Directions Method
The Way Home
Bringing Safety To the Next Generation
A World of Heart Open Humans
Are you in control of your thoughts & emotions
Are you a Victim to your circumstances?
Are you waiting for life to change?
Waiting for the right time?
If only I had money, time, energy (fill in the blank)
What if that perfect time and circumstances NEVER COMES?
Will you be content kidding yourself that there was nothing you could have done, I was the victim to life?
We tell ourselves lots of stories, everyday. Your stories and beliefs, make up your reality and whatever you are telling yourself will be the experience you have. Thats why a placebo exists. Our beliefs are so powerful.
And you can continue telling yourself whatever story you have looping to convince yourself that it’s not all up to you, that your life isn’t in your own hands. Or wake up the fact that no one else is going to do it for you.
You can leap into the unknown and self educate yourself with this road map of transformation.
That is the shamanic directions method
It is a way of understanding yourself, the human experience, your emotions, your thoughts, your past and a way to take back your power.
We all have this corner of consciousness. No human on the planet is without a victim consciousness, those bold enough to own it, understand it and work with it are ahead of the curve. Those acting like they don’t have a victim part at all will be in even bigger trouble.
How do you and your victim get on?
Do you react to life?
Or do you live with open curiosity?
Where are you being a victim to circumstance?
What do you believe is outside of your control?
Start loving and really living.
Shamanic Directions Method is
4 Step Empowerment Process, Using The Medicine Wheel,
Alchemising the 4 corners of human consciousness
It works because psychologically these 4 pillar archetypes are the same for all humans
Here’s how it works.
- Alchemise Your Victim Consciousness & Understand Your Thoughts
- Move through your fears so that you never hold yourself back again
- Let in more love, joy, playfulness & creativity, what is your purpose?
- Trust your worth and never sell yourself short again.

A detailed breakdown of the process
Using the shamanic directions medicine wheel
These 4 corners South West North East are based on the 4 pilar archetypes of collective consciousness
The 4 energies of being human that EVERYONE HAS
No one human being is without one of these archetypes
That’s why this works for everyone
The process is about understanding the human experience, all your emotions, why you might feel alone, like no one understands, or have given up trying because nothing seems to work.
This method creates a container for you to find your own safety, surrender and acceptance.
There is only conflict, pain, stress and disease when things are not understood.
This process will show you why you feel the way you do, what your limiting beliefs are and get you out of your own way.

Direction: South
Archetype: Victim
1st stage of consciousness (life happened to me)
Reveal hidden limiting beliefs
Shed old stories that are no longer serving
Heal physical body from pain & disease
Understand suppressed emotions
Heal old wounds in the past

Direction: West
Archetype: Saboteur
2nd Stage of consciousness (life is created by me)
Fear is keeping you small (Face it till you make it)
Push through comfort zone
Find & face your shadows
Fears of responsibility
Owning your power

Direction: North
Archetype: Child
3rd Stage of consciousness (spirit creates through me)
Creativity and Energy
What is your purpose and joy
Expanding into more love
Psychic development & Intuitive Knowing
Finding fun & play with life
Self education and learning

Direction: West
Archetype: Prostitute
4th Stage of consciousness (oneness, life is created as me)
How are you selling yourself short
Not giving yourself or anything that disempowers you
Trusting your worth
Faith that your needs are provided for
Spirit and soul not for sale, no violation of self
Perspective of THE ALL

South Serpent
Understand and alchemise victim archetype
3 Sessions of 1:1 Transformational Coaching
Shamanic Theme (Illuminations)
PDF Workbook with self development challenges to complete weekly

West Jaguar
Integrate fears, shadows and stretch out of comfort zone
3 Sessions of 1:1 Empowerment Coaching
Shamanic Theme (Extractions & Past lives)
PDF Workbook with self development challenges to complete weekly

North Hummingbird
Integrate play, fun and creativity. Mastery & Life Purpose
3 Sessions of 1:1 Empowerment Coaching
Shamanic Theme (Soul Retrieval, All Parts of Self/Roles)
PDF Workbook with self development challenges to complete weekly

East Eagle/Condor
Trusting your worth, Finding your home within
3 Sessions of 1:1 Completion Coaching
Shamanic Theme (Ancestral Lines, Contracts,)
PDF Workbook with self development challenges to complete weekly

Tools making you a super coach
Giving you the tools to understand the complexity of the human experience simply and quickly, leaving no corner unturned.
- Alchemise any trauma or limiting belief with the self healing cycle & Illuminations
- Understand any and all fears with 3 sides of the coin coaching (the secret side to coaching you are never taught)
- How to use your emotions to find your purpose and live in bliss
- Anchor into self worth and feel like you’ve come home
If you don’t master your life and what you have come here to do.
You can do it in the next life, or the next
Continue running from yourself
Finally face EVERY CORNER of WHO YOU ARE and
3 Part Being
Other holistic modalities are working with misunderstanding, therefore not getting lasting results. Yes you might see some improvement but have you still gone back to old patterns and unhealthy, ineffective ways of being?
For example just hypnosis, counselling, talk therapy, or any other just mind or thought technique can be great. But it’s missing the link to the body and your somatic and spiritual parts.
Just yoga, breath work, TRE trauma release for the body, embodiment can be great but what about the limiting beliefs in your mind and lack of spiritual self love connection.
Just spiritual connection can be great, but what happens when someone rubs you up the wrong way, you have your monkey brain afraid of something, or trauma trapped in your body?
These modalities can be helpful YES. So just think of the lasting results if you did ALL 3 AT THE SAME TIME?
Somatic release for the body at the same time as shifting limiting beliefs from the mind, at the same time as spirit and source pouring self connection and love into you.
That is why shamanic directions method, truly is a method ahead of its time. No other modality works like this, knowing how to shift all 3 in one session, this does not exist in any other teachings.
Working with the understanding that we are 3 part beings and shifting all at the same time for truly lasting results.
Shamanic Directions is recognised as an accredited certification by Industry leading Insurance. Those training with us are suitable for therapist insurance policies.

What Others Say About Learning This Method…
I dearly dearly love Clare and her medicine ♥️♥️ I had 121 coaching with Clare and Wowowow!!! I can’t put into words what my time with Clare means to me as its been one of the most beautiful experiences of my life ?? I will always be grateful to Clare ?? I would highly recommend Clare to anyone who is ready to fully step into their authentic being, connect to their power, and ready to shift what no longer serves and SO MUCH MORE ♥️♥️♥️ thank you Clare for all you do and thank you for being in my life ?? A’ho dear sister
I had a wonderful experience in the 1-1 sessions with Clare. It was really mind-blowing and I instantly felt calmer, more wholesome, lighter and that I had released some very heavy energy that I had been carrying around for a long time.
I would recommend Clare to anyone who is looking to develop themselves and is committed to healing themselves as, quite frankly, Clare is a genius!
In my online session I felt at ease and was able to open up easily, and express my thoughts. I feel my anger has had a big shift since my session. I have felt a sense of calm, which has been a huge progress in my journey. Would definitely recommend. You really understood my issues and helped me see and tell myself that the emotional rollercoaster I am going through is normal, I am not alone, and I am strong enough to accept what has happened in my life. Also, I am the only person in charge of my own happiness
How is the shamanic directions training delivered?
Printable course workbook, with exercises for you and your clients.
In Person 4 days training for each direction or
Video tutorial format, practical methods and techniques that work to:
- alchemise your victim consciousness, expand into love
- alchemise your saboteur, allow fear to give your energy not hold you back
- find your purpose, fulfilment & freedom
- trust your worth, live in peace
Includes Facilitator Training For Coaches and Practitioners
Detailed breakdown of how to deliver each session to your clients and get transformational results every time
You will be a qualified and insured transformational empowerment coach and shamanic practitioner after taking the first direction. You can then get clients right away. You don’t need to wait till you’ve completed all 4 directions, to start giving the first 3 coaching sessions.
Bonus Training:
How to get your first clients quickly & easily
Setting up your practice (guided videos, step by step, how to set up client registration forms and take payments so you have a business ready to go)
Delivered in this order:
- South = Serpent / Victim Alchemy
- West = Jaguar / Fear Alchemy
- North = Hummingbird / Power & Purpose
- East = Eagle / Owning Your Worth
& How you deliver the training to your clients?
3 Coaching sessions per direction
Each session is laid out in your workbook, so all of the hard part of planning is done for you.
Recommended Exchange £99 per session 3 session package £297
South 3 sessions to alchemise Victim
(Includes illumination Shamanic Work)
West 3 sessions to move through fears
(Includes past life shamanic work, or unconscious fear, for those that don’t want to relate it past lives, it’s trapped in unconscious mind.)
North 3 sessions to find your power & purpose
(Includes soul retrieval Shamanic Work, or stretching your emotional and energetic range for those that don’t want to use shamanic terminology)
West 3 Sessions to Trust your worth
(Includes Ancestral Karma Clearing Shamanic Work, or collective conditioning clearing, understanding the all and effective perspective)
Or 12 sessions for the entire medicine wheel empowerment process.
Wisdom is knowledge applied
Take your life back and be the source of your own change
Shamanic Directions Empowerment Method

When Is the Next Training?
Thursday – Sunday
Somatic Release
Illumination Shifting Heavy Energy To Light
Self Healing Cycle
How to discover someones limiting belief (even if they don’t know)
How to heal core wounds trapped in emotion
How to open sacred space and work with shamanic wisdom keepers
How to use your intuition and psychic senses
Simple Kinesiology
Regulate nervous system
Circle work
Do you want to know how to shift from I can’t to I can in any situation?
Where do I start?

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