School of Psychic Healing


The Way Home


A Journey Back To Belonging

How to use Unseen Forces To Heal Self & Others

Psychic Activations & Metaphysical Mastery

Medicine Wheel Teachings, With Sacred MESA

All Healing Is Self Healing 
Empowerment Journey of Self Discovery Back To Belonging 
Using Shamanic Healing & Psychic Development to Hold Space For Every Individuals Journey


For people on a healing journey
That want to know what their body is trying to tell them
What their life is trying to show them
How to navigate the world with ease and grace.

Psychic Healer Trainings
For people that want to undertake their own self healing journey back to belonging and hold sacred space for others to do the same

Join Us In Bringing Safety To the Next Generation

A World of Heart Intelligent Humans



Back To Belonging 


What We Offer Facilitation Training For:

Shamanic Healing 
Illuminations/past life regression/soul retrieval/ancestral lines
Psychic Development
Clairsentience, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance 
Master Coaching
Teach your clients self healing techniques, so they have the wisdom for life

Using the Shamanic Directions for Sacred Space

South, West, North, East
Mother & Father
& Heart Wisdom of Self

We Value Community & Connection 
Safe Scared Spaces

Online & In Person Training
All Healer Qualifications Enable You To Get Therapist Insurance

Learn Psychic Healings:
Shamanic Shift
Past Life Regression
Soul Retrievals
Ancestral Karma Clearing

All Certifications Include Supporting Your Psychic
Development & Coaching Skills to Get Your Clients The Best Results. 

Our Facilitation Trainings Ethos:

Guides holding sacred space for others self healing

Tools making you a super coach

  • Alchemise any limiting belief with the self healing cycle 
  • Understand all fear with 3 sides of the coin coaching (the secret side to coaching you are never taught)
  • How to use your emotions to find your purpose and live in bliss
  • Anchor into self worth and feel like you’ve come home
  • Psychic & Mystical Abilities Training for cultivating Intuitive and Psychic Healings 

    Who is it for?

    Anyone that wants to take back control of their own life

    This is a personal process as much as it is for those that want to learn the healings.

    You don’t ever need to give the healings to others to benefit. It is a journey to come home to the self

    Understand emotions, fear and how your mind works, simply and practically. 

    Anyone that wants a fault proof, done for you empowerment process to get results for your clients making you a successful coach and practitioner to others.

      4 Step Empowerment Process

      South = Victim Alchemy
      West = Fear Alchemy
      North = Power & Purpose
      East = Owning Your Worth 

      Understanding human consciousness

      It works because psychologically these 4 pillar archetypes are the same for all humans

      Here’s how it works.
      Get out of Victim and into your power
      Meet your fear so that it never keeps you playing small again
      Live your mastery and purpose
      Trust your worth and never sell yourself short again.


      I am Clare Juliette

      I took my BA Hons 06-09 moving into the professional industry as a workshop facilitator. I have been bringing in shamanic wisdom on top of that for the last 11 years. My own personal self development journey started age 9 when I was chronically ill and I have been forming the mind body soul connection needed for transformational work for nearly 30 years.

      Shamanic Directions is recognised school of healing and has an accredited certification by Industry leading Insurance. Those training with us are suitable for therapist insurance policies. Over the last 3 years I have helped 251 clients on a 1:1 basis and successfully trained 45 new practitioners just last year.


      What Others Experience…

      I dearly dearly love Clare and her medicine ♥️♥️ I had 121 coaching with Clare and Wowowow!!! I can’t put into words what my time with Clare means to me as its been one of the most beautiful experiences of my life ?? I will always be grateful to Clare ?? I would highly recommend Clare to anyone who is ready to fully step into their authentic being, connect to their power, and ready to shift what no longer serves and SO MUCH MORE ♥️♥️♥️ thank you Clare for all you do and thank you for being in my life ?? A’ho dear sister

      Bex Rebecca Jane

      I had a wonderful experience in the 1-1 sessions with Clare. It was really mind-blowing and I instantly felt calmer, more wholesome, lighter and that I had released some very heavy energy that I had been carrying around for a long time.
      I would recommend Clare to anyone who is looking to develop themselves and is committed to healing themselves as, quite frankly, Clare is a genius!

      Barry Matthews

      In my online session I felt at ease and was able to open up easily, and express my thoughts. I feel my anger has had a big shift since my session. I have felt a sense of calm, which has been a huge progress in my journey. Would definitely recommend. You really understood my issues and helped me see and tell myself that the emotional rollercoaster I am going through is normal, I am not alone, and I am strong enough to accept what has happened in my life. Also, I am the only person in charge of my own happiness

      Sarah Jochacy

      A detailed breakdown of the process


      These 4 corners South West North East are based on the 4 pilar archetypes of collective consciousness

      The 4 energies of being human that EVERYONE HAS

      No one human being is without one of these archetypes

      That’s why this works for everyone

      The process is about understanding the human experience, all your emotions, why you might feel alone, like no one understands, or have given up trying because nothing seems to work.

      This method creates a container for you to find your own safety, surrender and acceptance.

      There is only conflict, pain, stress and disease when things are not understood.

      This process will show you why you feel the way you do, what your limiting beliefs are and get you out of your own way.

      Direction: South
      Archetype: Serpent 

      Reveal hidden limiting beliefs

      Shed old stories that are no longer serving

      Heal physical body from pain & disease

      Understand suppressed emotions

      Heal old wounds in the past

      Direction: West
      Archetype: Jaguar

      Fear is keeping you small (Face it till you make it)

      Push through comfort zone

      Find & face your shadows

      Fears of responsibility

      Owning your power

      Direction: North
      Archetype: Hummingbird

      Creativity and Energy

      What is your purpose and joy

      Expanding into more love

      Psychic development & Intuitive Knowing

      Finding fun & play with life

      Self education and learning

      Direction: East
      Archetype: Eagle

      How are you selling yourself short

      Not giving yourself or anything that disempowers you

      Trusting your worth

      Faith that your needs are provided for

      Spirit and soul not for sale, no violation of self

      Perspective of THE ALL

      The only thing holding you back is YOU
      Get out of your own way and fly
      The quickest way to do that, is self education
      Once you know how you are unstoppable
      And no one can take knowledge away from you
      This isn’t just how, this is how to apply it so it works.
      Wisdom is knowledge applied.
      Take your life back and be the source of your own change.

      Tired of life’s challenges?

      Do you?

      Put yourself down?

      Play small?

      Feel not good enough?


      Get into arguments or disagreements?

      Are often not well or tired?

      Can’t deal with so and so in relationship?

      Can’t cope?

      Find others take advantage?

      Don’t ask for help?

      Feel alone? Isolated? Don’t know where to turn?

      Is your victim running your life?

      Do you want to know how to shift from I can’t to I can in any situation?

      Where do I start?


      How is this journey delivered?

      Online Quiz & Video Format
      See how this school delivers it’s wisdom and if it aligns with you
      You will need about 30minutes to complete it

      Come Home To Your Own Goodness

      It is important for me to give YOU VALUE

      Put your name and your email in to get your free psychic  secrets quiz and start your journey to powerful metaphysical mastery

      Use the button below to put in your name & email at checkout to get yours straight to your inbox FREE 

      Your Satisfaction Guarantee

      My Promise To you.

      It needs to be a good fit for us to work together.

      All my Trainings come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee