Clare J Shaman’s
Shamanic Retreats
Embodiment Practices, Heart Intelligence & Sacred Ceremony
You will be invited into a safe and sacred space, using techniques to regulate your nervous system, bringing you into embodied presence so that you can clearly hear your souls voice on your shamanic journey experience.
Included for accelerated ceremony experience
Breath work
Sacred Space Agreements
Somatic Tracking
Shamanic Healing
Sound Healing, Sacred Icaros
Embodiment Practices
Heart Intelligence Awakening

Founder & Facilitator

My name is Clare J Shaman and I specialise in Shamanic Medicine Wheel Teachings. I am the founder of Shamanic Directions and creator of the Self Healing Cycle, a unique 4-Step Formula for Trauma Transformation and Cognitive Reset.
I am guiding my clients to higher levels of awareness and self healing using ancient shamanic wisdom.
Over the last 11 years I have immersed myself deeply into the world of shamanic teachings, psychic development and embodiment. Getting my students to reach their potential in record time. Through my medicine wheel empowerment process, retreats and 1:1 shamanic sessions.
My spiritual story begins very young at age 9 when I was tragically ill and in hospital for a long period of time. I worked with energy, healing myself with colours as a child with no idea what I was doing until studying it all in my teens. I am devoted to shamanic energies and live my life as embodied presence, in tune with nature and all of mother earths creations.
I look forward to connecting with you deeper.
I hope you join me for the journey.

Find Yourself Weekend Retreats
Connect to your soul with shamanic ceremonial experience

Embodied Mystic Weekend Retreats
Deep dive into yourself and discover more of who you are, hone your potential
Breathwork & embodiment practice
Shamanic journey to hone your mystical abilities
Shift your consciousness & feel your souls voice
The power of group dynamics and wisdom council to liberate self
The secrets to mystical abilities are within you and how to find them
Sharpen your connection with spirit, pray on the land & allow nature to open your heart and free your soul
A unique experience for every soul

There are some hard to explain & grasp spiritual teachings out there. I like to be simple.
I like practical clear instruction and into the body real tangible experiences.
It is my life’s purpose to bring clarity to some of life’s most challenging concepts. I am often told I have a very unique way of explaining the unexplainable.
I give you simple to understand, practical guidance that is applicable to life. Because if you can’t use these teachings to make your life better, what is this work for?
Connecting to your own land is very important, we are all children of pachamama and it doesn’t matter where and how we all started. So if you take any of my further teachings you are invited to bless and pray on the land where you live, and to do so when you travel. I also encourage you to connect to Peru, to visit and have direct teachings and healing from them too.
My teachings come from the jungle tribes of PERU and from the mountain Q’ero lineage. I have studied & assisted this energy medicine for 11 years. It is important for me to keep connected with this energy and honour the roots and the wisdom keepers of the work. If you would like a session online with any Don Maestro /Maestra please DM and we can assist you in that.

If you have any questions about how we support you further, please reach out to
Thank you.
Hear from current studentsDuring my shamanic journey I asked my guides to help me let go of what no longer serves me. If you remember, I had a very emotional reaction. That has never happened to me before because I am not what you would consider a very emotional person. It was like something came over me as soon as I let go.
It’s like I had both a physical and emotional response. There is also an energetic cord that I wanted to release from a certain individual. This experience helped me cut that. Overall I felt a sense of light and peace after this experience. It’s like I’m a different person. I am more confident and self aware which is what I need to continue my journey. I appreciate you and your work and thank you for what you did for me.
With Love and Gratitude,
I had such an amazing time at the ceremony on Sunday. It was a relaxing and enjoyable experience. The guided meditation journey provided some profound realisations and helped me deepen my connection with my guides. I have already seen subtle shifts in my life and I’ve been able to move forward with my intentions. Highly recommended. I also had two healings with Clare earlier this year which were very beneficial. Thank you so much Clare. Keep up the wonderful work you are doing.
I went along to the ceremony not knowing what to expect, I was ready finally to take responsibility and action to move forward and change my circumstances. It was a lovely meeting and connecting with such friendly like-minded people helped me feel safe. My main desire and goal on that day was to find my self-confidence again after suffering low self-esteem for the last few years – which was causing challenges in all the areas of my life. During the meditation I had a revelation and things have been steadily improving. I love what Clare does and I can immerse myself in this healing modality. I am very much looking forward to the next ceremony.
Important Note: You will need to do a registration form to participate in this special event.
The form will be emailed out to you once you are booked on.
If you have been before or already done a registration form,
as long as your circumstances haven’t changed, there is no need to do another one.
Thank you.

Dates and Times
Saturday’s 2pm Till Sunday 3pm
Dates for 2023:
- April
- July
- July
- November
- December
Exchange £249 All Inclusive
Only 11 places on each weekend
To reserve your place with a £50 Deposit type the word deposit in the coupon code box at checkout.
Professional Satisfaction Guarantee

If you get nothing from this experience. Your money back!
Money back guarantee
It’s so important for me to give YOU VALUE!
That’s why I am so sure you will have so many take aways from this ceremony experience.
You must let Clare J know personally on the retreat you are not satisfied, for this offer to be applicable. In person, at the end before you leave the event.