Clare J’s Mushroom Retreat

Shamanic Magic Portal Retreat

Sacred Heart Circle &
Optional Magic Mushroom Ceremony
Come home within yourself and from there find liberation 

Inviting You Into Safety & Play
Back To Belonging 

Deepening into the fullest YOU:

Sacred Timeline Shift
Light Codes 4 being a psychic channel 
Heart Consciousness Activation

Humans Healing Humans
By Embracing Their Humanity Together 

DATES Wednesday – Sunday
8th – 12th October 2025
Arrivals 1pm for 3pm start 
Closing 3pm Sunday 12th

New Eden, Netherlands

Connecting To Our Hearts Wisdom & Depth


Featuring Embodiment Practices With Eloise Stephenson
To Drop Into the Depth Of Feeling Self & Connection With Tribe

Tribal Regulation To Support Healing & Integration, From Safety Adults Can Play

Can Be Especially Helpful to Integrate Plant Medicine Experiences

Heart Circle & It's Deep Wisdom Of Healing With Tribe

Embodiment & Connection To Your Body

Breath work & regulation

Ecstatic Dance & Music

Shamanic portal experience

Power Of Play

Liberation of Stuck Energy

Deepen your connection to self wisdom

Bringing Lightness & Play To Healing

Connect & Have FUN 

A unique experience for every soul

Our Values: Safety, Responsibility & Liberation 


Clare J has worked with plant medicine’s Mushrooms & Ayahuasca as a tool for self development for the last 11 years. What is most important to her is the integration and lived experienced of the most profound metaphysical concepts. This is why the mushroom ceremony is available to suit individual needs. 

Some people are very sensitive to energy and these tools, therefore we are catering for sensitivity. You will have the option to join the ceremony and just connect to the spirit of mushroom, you can micro dose, you can take full ceremonial dose. The option will be yours and you can feel into how you are at the retreat. I manage the space accordingly and the respected ceremonial space is an exceptionally powerful portal to be in. 

It is important to us that you can use these experiences to directly alter your day to day for the better. Our Integration practices being this bridge so that you can manage your personal world with more clarity. 

Inviting you to access parts of your energy that may have been locked away.  When we feel safe, our hearts open. Supportive, non judgemental integration circles, to allow you to fully feel who you are and hear your souls voice. 

All is welcome. 

All the parts of who you are, are honoured and loved. 

Bring all of you. 


Back to Belonging 

Community & Connection



Credit where credit is due. I have had many wisdom teachers that play a part in the coming together of this new world frequency that is now available to fully embody. 

I am a channel for metaphysical energies, I work with a sacred MESA, which holds 14 shamanic healings. I have learnt from mostly Peruvian Shamanism, with Celtic, Norse, Germanic and Mexican Influences too.

To fully bring these ancient teachings alive and turn concept into experience. I bring the work of Christian Pankhurst from Heart IQ. I have learn from his incredible body of work for the last 6 years. Heart IQ has allowed everything else to click into place and this work is truly from the future. 

Thank you for bring Heart IQ circle to this earth to form the new world. 

You really have to experience it for yourself to understand the magnitude of what is coming. 



Hear from current participants

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you for such an amazing experience.

You are doing such wonderful work and it is truly needed in these times.

I felt so held, supported and loved during the whole experience and can’t express enough how beautiful that was. I don’t think I have experienced anything quite like it before.

Craig Wild

I cannot tell you how profound the experience was for me and it has changed me for the good in a number of ways. It has opened my eyes to new ways of thinking, and I find myself interested in things that I never did before. It has also given me a depth in thinking and alternative perspective on losing a very close family member, very suddenly. For this I always be grateful.
Andy Khan

This retreat is like a indescribable profound divine vortex! Magical & Heart Opening In so many ways words can’t describe. 


What will you take away?

Humans Healing Humans By Embracing Their Humanity Together 

  • A profounD journey from head to heart 

  • Embodiment Practices with a partner.

  • Essential Integration With Sacred Heart Circle.

  • The healing of these circles is unique. The group field allows healing that you just can’t get in a 1:1 experience or by yourself. A must experience for anyone integrating into the new world.

  • Movement & Liberation

  • Trust Your Impulses

  • Embodiment practices to find your somatic psychic sense.

  • Understanding of Shamanic Magic

Special Offer & Exchange! 


Clare J & Eloise 40th Birthday Celebration!
October 2025 so this retreat will be like a special celebration as well as doing profound inner work and Shamanic magic! 

The idea is to have a professional photographer doing some shots and a little bit of video. This is to make a montage of the vibe at the event. We won’t be invading anyones deep process with a camera, it will be very attuned. So if you are happy to give testimonial to camera in exchange and say a few words about your experience then you can have a very special price.

This retreat and ceremony is usually £1800 including food and accommodation. If you are happy to do a testimonial and be on camera you can have a ticket at half price £888!
Deposits are £180 to reserve then 2 payments of £350 (spaces are very limited)

Shared room & food included. You will need to arrange your own travel. 

ONLY £888 for early birds!
Then our offer price goes up to £1200
5 day, 4 night retreat, including powerful magic mushroom ceremony!

October 2025 8th – 12th
New Eden, North of Netherlands

Love Really Is The Biggest Healer!

You Will Receive More Love in These 5 Days Than You
Have In Your Entire Life Time!!!


Professional Satisfaction Guarantee

If you don’t get the healing power of love from this experience.

Your money back!

Money back guarantee

It’s so important for me to give YOU VALUE!

That’s why I am so sure you will have so many take aways from this ceremony experience.
You must let Clare J know personally on the retreat you are not satisfied, for this offer to be applicable. In person, at the end before you leave the event.