3 Secrets to Heighten Your Mystical Abilities 100%

Never Before Taught, Easy to Understand, Applicable 3 Easy Steps to Mastering this Skill

This Masterclass Gets You The Results You’re After, Without Any Of The Confusion!

Ready to Trust Your Intuition 100%

What we’ll be covering in this 35min master training

Why the old paradigm is over and how you align yourself to the new

Secret 1: Tune your mystical channels, how to understand your senses, physical and metaphysical. 
Secret 2: How to turn ON your mystic and TRUST whats there
Secret 3: How to hone your mystical receiver and be consistent with this skill


Everything you’re about to get

Masterclass Normally £199 (FREE FOR 72 HOURS) Make sure you watch it before time is up! 


Supercharge your psychic into Mystical Master


What i'll be covering!


3 Key secrets to MYSTICAL MASTERY!


#1 How to tune your mystical channels


#2 How to turn ON your mystic


#3 How to hone your mystical receiver


I cover misconceptions about psychic ability


Even if you are not visual, and can't be hypnotised, your 6th sense is still there


I'm not visual and this didn't come easy to me, so I explain it from the perspective of someone who finds this challenging.


If you are visual, you may feel like you disconnect at times and it's not as easy. I show you how to change this.


Save £6,178 in time wasted hours trying to get mystical on your own

When you join Masterclass today, you will learn so much you will want to take the class again! This masterclass will change your life.

What others are saying

Don’t take our word for it, hear from real Masterclass clients.

“This masterclass got me the exact results I was after. I was skeptical at first, but I’m so glad I made the jump and signed up!”

Jenny Hawkins

Had a fantastic masterclass experience, opened up some path ways to a more peaceful existence.

Mike Rogers

Now I can actually shamanic journey and trust what I get. Thank you so much! 

Violet Sinclair

About your guide and facilitator

Clare Juliette

I specialise in consciousness expansion. My entire life has been in devotion to this.

Specifically over the last 11 years I have immersed myself deeply into the world of shamanic teachings, psychic development and embodiment. Getting my students to reach their potential in record time. Through my online shamanic practitioner training, regular workshops, classes and 1:1 shamanic sessions.

My spiritual story begins very young at age 9 when I was tragically ill and in hospital for a long period of time. I worked with energy, healing myself with colours as a child with no idea what I was doing until studying it all in my teens. I am devoted to shamanic energies and live my life as embodied and presently as I can, in tune with nature and all of mother earths creations.

I look forward to connecting with you deeper.

I hope you join me for the journey.

Free Gift #1

FREE! £199

Activate Your Mystical Abilities

Free Gift #2

FREE! £99

EBook by Clare J Shaman “5 things that will free your mystical abilities”

Free Gift #3

FREE! £priceless

Facebook group community to come together with like minded soul family and connect.


My years of expertise and your honour system.

If you don’t get the results you expect, simply let me know what you struggle with via email and i’ll get your question resolved.


Masterclass Core – $4,995 value


Secret no. 1- $1,990 value


Secret no. 2 – $999 value


Secret no. 3 – $725 value


Free Gift #1 – $497 value


Free Gift #2  $199 value


Free Gift #3 – $priceless value


Free Gift #4 – Save Your Precious Time

Honour System. Pay nothing. Watch within 72 hours for FREE!