Rainbow Body
Psychic Activation
Brought to you by Clare J Shaman
Full Energy Body Psychic Activation
Extremely Powerful for self healing and gaining awareness from your unconscious mind.
Do one a day for a week and see the transformation!
Welcome Beautiful Being
I hope you enjoy this series and your journey to trusting your own deep mystical truth
Day 1: Base Nawis
Breathwork & Shamanic Journey for increasing awareness and psychic muscle. Inner Child
Base Chakra
Day 5: Throat Nawis
Breathwork & Shamanic Journey for increasing awareness and psychic muscle. Inner Child
Day 6: 3rd Eye Nawis
Breathwork & Shamanic Journey for increasing awareness and psychic muscle. Inner Child
3rd Eye Activation
Shamanic Directions
Facilitator Clare J
Accredited by the SPA